SoF Tradeskill Quest
トレードスキルを使用したクエストです。  NPC: Eron Nurwistle ZONE: Dragonscale Hills
 全7段の構成で、Task の中で首・耳・手首・指・腰共用のアイテムを作っていきます。 
 必要スキル値は300と思ってた方が良いです。 各種250以上ないとそれぞれのパートを受けれません。
  #1 Not So Simple Jewelry  Jewelcraft
  #2 Clay Within the Beast  Pottery
  #3 Food for the Injured  Baking
  #4 Scrap Oil  Smithing
  #5 Counting Shadows  Fletching
  #6 Blood for the Cure  Brewing
  #7 Steamy Revenge  Tailoring
 Quest 概要
QI は、作成失敗も考えて多めに拾っておくと良いです。
#1 Not So Simple Jewelry  Jewelcraft
 Eron から Jeweler's Kit が貰えるので、Slot を1個空けておくように。
 Loot 12 Dragonscale Ore Fragment → Dragonscale Hills の ミノタウロス全般からドロップします
 Purify the Dragonscale Ore(Purified Dragonscale Ore)  Trivial: 100
   ├ Dragonscale Ore Fragment ×3
   └ Gnomish Heat Source
 Create 2 Eron's Configurable Chain using tradeskills  Trivial: 400
   ├ Purified Dragonscale Ore ×2
   └ Eron's Configurable Chain and Setting Mold → Eron から支給
   Eron's Configurable ChainHalf Bar of Purified Dragonscale Ore が出来上がります。
 Create 2 Eron's Setting using tradeskills  Trivial:
   ├ Eron's Configurable Chain  Trivial: 100
   └ Eron's Setting  Trivial: 250
      ├ Eron's Configurable Chain and Setting Mold → Eron から支給
      └ Half Bar of Purified Dragonscale Ore
#2 Clay Within the Beast  Pottery
 QI(材料) は、The Mechamatic Guardian の中でしかドロップしません。
 Loot 14 Twitching Soot → a deposit of soota formation of soot
      Second Floor にMOBがいます(1回目のテレポートした先)。
      Guardian #2: Engine Room Schematics(Group Task) この Task 中に材料拾うのが良いです。
      この Task は、Ent からテレポートポイントまでMOBがいません。
 Loot 2 Blue Gem Grade Faycite → a steamwork blaster
 Create 2 Soot Bound Ceramic Clay using tradeskills  Trivial: 100
   ├ Twitching Soot ×7
   └ Water Flask
 Create 2 Unfired Eron's Ceramic Setting using tradeskills  Trivial: 400
   ├ Soot Bound Ceramic Clay
   └ Water Flask
 Create 2 Eron's Ceramic Setting using tradeskills  Trivial: 50
   ├ Eron's Unfired Ceramic Settings
   └ High Quality Firing Sheet


 Create 1 Eron's Simple Second Setting Jewelry using tradeskills  Trivial: 250
   ├ Blue Gem Grade Farcite
   ├ Clear Gem Grade Faycite → Eron から支給
   ├ Eron's Simple Jewelry
   └ Eron's Ceramic Setttng
#3 Food for the Injured  Baking  " I have the skills "
 QI(材料)は、釣りでゲットします。 NO TRADEではないので、作成失敗した場合は、バザーで材料を手に入れられるかも?
  Loping Plains  Lv77 Spell vendor の横なら安全かな?
   Fishing → Farwander Gar & Wayunder Perch
   Loot → Twitching Giant Frog Leg(a small pond hopper)×1
   Forage → Ranthock Wheat ×2
  Dragonscale Hills
   Dragonscale Bullhead & Prawn
  Hills of Shade  ゾーン北西奥ならMOBいないかな?
   Shaded Bonefish & Shadow Trout

  Crescent Reachで作るのが一番良いかも。 一部PoKでしか手に入らないものがあるので注意!
   Brew Barrel → 1F NE
   Oven → 2F S
   Merchant Oseye → 1F SE(小2F)

  Farwander Gar Meatballs Trivial: 150  Yield: 20
   ├ Cup of Flour
   ├ Mixed Egg ×2  → Dairy Spoon + Egg(Forage Aviak Eggs:BBM、Basilisk Eggs:Rathe Mt) in Mixing Bowl
   ├ Onion ×2  → W Freeport: Rodenn Irygh (411,-579)、Crescent Reach: Cook Kosay
   ├ Spices
   ├ Vegetable Oil  → Vegetables + Water Flask  醸造
   ├ Dried Bread Crumbs  in Oven
   │ └ Loaf of Leavened Bread  in Oven
   │   ├ Bottle of Milk
   │   ├ Bread Tin  Smithing
   │   ├ Butter  → Bottle of Milk + Dairy Spoon + Rennet  in Mixing Bowl
   │   ├ Cup of Flour × 3
   │   ├ Cup of Sugar  → PoK: Klen Ironstove
   │   ├ Rock Solt  → PoK: Eric Rasumus
   │   ├ Yeast
   │   └ Water Flask
   └ Farwander Gar  → Fishing

  Grilled Ranthockgrass Prawns Trivial: 200 Yield: 1
   ├ Vegetable Oil  → Vegetables + Water Flask
   ├ Fish Oil  → Water Flask + Fish Eggs(Skinning Knife + Greengill Salmon:Toxxulia Forest)
   ├ Cup of Sugar
   ├ Ranthock Wheat ×2  → Forage: Loping Plains
   └ Prawn ×4  → Fishing

  Sweet Sauce Shaded Bonefish Trivial: 187 Yield: 1
   ├ Cup of Flour
   ├ Cup of Sugar
   ├ Onion
   ├ Spices
   ├ Vinegar
   ├ White Wine  → Fruit + Bottle + Grapes + Wine Yeast or Crescent Reach: Merchant Oyese
   └ Shaded Bonefish  Fishing

  Baked Dragonscale Bullhead Trivial: 202 Yield: 1
   ├ Bongo's Hot Chili Spiece  → PoK: Derin O`Danos PoKのみで販売
   ├ Butter  → Bottle of Milk + Dairy Spoon + Rennet  in Mixing Bowl
   ├ Lemon  → Crescent Reach: Cook Kosay
   ├ Mature Cheese  → Bottle of Milk(2) + Dairy Spoon + Rennet  in Mixing Bowl
   ├ Onion  → Crescent Reach: Cook Kosay
   ├ Spices
   └ Dragonscale Bullhead  Fishing

  Shadow Trout Kabobs Trivial: 150 Yield: 1
   ├ Skewers  → Water Fask + Metal Bits + Skewer Mold
   ├ Sweet Green Pepper  → Crescent Reach: Cook Kosay
   ├ Jungle Pineapple  → DoNゾーンでForage 又はMOBからドロップ
   ├ Shadow Trout  Fishing
   └ Pineapple Soy Sauce  in Oven
      ├ Cup of Sugar
      ├ Pineapple Juice  → Jungle Pineapple 醸造
      ├ Sherry  → Cask + Brandy + White Wine  醸造(Crescent Reach: Merchant Oyese
      ├ Small Bottle of Soy Sauce  → Water Fask + Vinegar + Cup of Sugar + Garlic Spices
      │    Garlic Spices → Spices + Ground Garlic(Crescent Reach 2F NW): Poisoner Salihah
      └ Spices

  Wine Baked Wayunder Perch Trivial: 222 Yield: 1
   ├ Agaricus Mushroom  → HoSでForage
   ├ Onion
   ├ Spices
   ├ Tomato ×2  → Crescent Reach: Merchant Oyese
   ├ Vegetable Oil
   ├ White Wine  → Crescent Reach: Merchant Oyese
   └ Wayunder Perch  Fishing

  Eron's Herb Frog Legs Trivial: 400 Yield: 1
   ├ Bottle of Milk
   ├ Butter
   ├ Cup of FLour
   ├ Garlic  → Crescent Reach: Cook Kosay
   ├ Hot Red Pepper  → Crescent Reach: Cook Kosay
   ├ Spices
   └ Twitching Giant Frog Leg  Drop

 全てを作り終えたら Eron にHailします。 Eron's Reconfiguration Pattern が貰えます。

  Eron's Reconfigured Simple Jewelry Trivial: 250  in Jeweler's Kit
   ├ Eron's Reconfiguration Pattern
   ├ Eron's Simple Second Setting Jewelry
   └ Uncut Combine Star
#4 Scrap Oil  Smithing  " I am Smith "
 材料拾いは、Fortress Mechanotus になります。 ロボットからドロップします
 Magnetized Scrap Metal(×10) → a junk sortera recycler
 Refined Steamwork Oil(×2) → a steamwork shock soldier(striker、trooper)、a steamwork mechanic(mender)
 Green Gem Grade Faycite(×2) → a gardenera steamwork mender(soldier)
 Red Gem Grade Faycite(×2) → a gardenera steamwork mechanic(mender、soldier)
#5 Counting Shadows  Fletching
#6 Blood for the Cure  Brewing
#7 Steamy Revenge  Tailoring