Seeds of Destruction(SoD) AC Aug 作成
各Tier のSolo Task をクリアし、その報酬で貰える材料から AC Aug が作れます。
Bayle's Heraldic Crest  < Tier 1 >
Oceangreen HillsOceangreen Village などのT1ゾーンの全22個のTaskをクリアして AC Aug(AC:32 HP・Mana・End:75)をゲット!
最近の拡張に必ずある、あれです。 Task をクリアして材料集めてコンバインを繰り返して出来あがるやつです。
Aug は、Req Lv70ですが、Task はLv69で受けることができたので、おそらくLv65から受けられるのではと思います。
SoDをPre Order していた場合は、FACを補正してくれる盾が貰えるのですが、Pre してない時は、地味なFAC上げが待ってますTT

 Bayle's Heraldic Crest (in Empty Heraldic Crest Frame) 
  ├ Crest Left Field
  ├ Crest Lower Field
  ├ Crest Right Field
  ├ Crest Upper Field
  └ Heraldic Keep

Empty Heraldic Crest Frame 及び Heraldic Crest Repair Kit は、81Spell vendor の隣にいる人から購入できます。
ただし、FAC:Amiably 以上必要。 Repair Kit は indifferently で購入できます。
  ※太字は自分がクリア済みのものです。 それ以外に意味はありません。
Crest Left Field in Heraldic Crest Repair Kit
Crest Lower Left Field Frame  → Garvin Windrunner #2: Names for the Faceless
Crest Lower Left Field Plate   → Garvin Windrunner #1: Reduce the Risk
Crest Upper Left Field Frame  → Poach the Poachers
Crest Upper Left Field Plate   → The Deathless
Crest Lower Field in Heraldic Crest Repair Kit
Crest Lower Field Frame  → Kerrin the Unkempt #2: Stop the Spreading
Crest Lower Field Plate  → Paint Supplie
Crest Right Field in Heraldic Crest Repair Kit
Crest Lower Right Field Frame  → Good Seeds
Crest Lower Right Field Plate   → Arms of the Dead
Crest Upper Right Field Frame  → Sergeant Bronal Cadran #2: No Cure for Death
Crest Upper Right Field Plate   → Sergeant Bronal Cadran #1: Man the Defenses
Crest Upper Field in Heraldic Crest Repair Kit
Crest Center Upper Field Frame  → Send the Message
Crest Center Upper Field Plate  → Run to Daylight
├ Crest Left Upper Field Frame  → A Secret Hidden in Plain Sight
Crest Left Upper Field Plate     → What Evil Lurks in the Heart of Gnolls?
Crest Right Upper Field Frame   → Invading the Invaders
Crest Right Upper Field Plate    → Summary Execution
Heraldic Keep in Heraldic Crest Repair Kit
Crest Keep Frame       → Tabron Caulria #2: Salving Grace
Crest Keep Plate        → Archon Darianna Althus #2: Thinning the Ranks
Crest Keep Tower Frame  → Tabron Caulria #3: Test the Waters
Crest Keep Tower Plate   → Archon Darianna Althus #1: Plague from Above
Crest Keep Wall Frame   → Tabron Caulria #1: Does This Look Infected?
Crest Keep Wall Plate    → Follow Your Nose
Task Chart  受けるTaskの流れなど
  条件付き Task が多いので、ちょっとまとめてみました。 条件付きTaskをクリアすることで、受けれるTaskが増えます。
  結果として、Exp &Fac 上げが楽になるはずです。

  上記以外のNPCから貰えるTask は条件なしで受けれます。 なので、余裕があるなら受けまくっておくと良いでしょう。

   dubiously(初期値) → apprehensively  約 13 Tasks
   apprehensively → indifferently  約 4 Tasks  Heraldic Crest Repair Kit ゲット!
   indifferently → amiably  約 8 Tasks  Empty Heraldic Crest Frame ゲット!
   amiably → kindly 約 12 Tasks
   kindly → warmly 約 11 Tasks
   warmly → Ally 約 15 Tasks

 クリアするTaskにより上がり具合が違ってたり、Blackburrow のGnoll をキルしても FACが上がるようなので、その辺で多少変化あると思います。
Blood of the Fallen  < Tier 2 >
全22 Tasks  Bloody Kithicor Tasks
 Blood of the Fallen  in Bloodbind Cauldron
  ├ Blood of Light
  ├ Blood of Medicine
  └ Blood of Oblivion
Blood of Light in Bloodbind Cauldron
 ├ Blood of the Dominated  → Firiona Vie #1: Charges of Treason      BK: Lord Tephys
 ├ Blood of the Redeemed  → Firiona Vie #2: Vengeance and Deliverance BK: Firiona Vie
 ├ Blood of the Informed   → Shadows of Kithicor                BK: Diennic Lightheart
 ├ Blood of the Officer    → Vohlen #1: Acts of Reprisal           BK: Armsmaster Vohlen
 ├ Blood of the Infiltrated  → Vohlen #2: Sacrifice to Treachery       BK: Armsmaster Vohlen
 ├ Blood of the Betrayed   → Vohlen #3: Questionable Loyalties       BK: Armsmaster Vohlen
 └ Blood of the Satiated   → Scourge of Supply                 BK: Supplymaster Kibrek
Blood of Medicine
 ├ Cured Blood    → Purging the Corruption    BK: Warden Avelyn
 ├ Dolman's Blood  → Refugee Rescue (Dolman) OC: Parthar
 ├ Fenia's Blood    → Refugee Rescue (Fenia)  OC: Parthar
 ├ Mojax's Blood   → Refugee Rescue (Mojax)  OC: Parthar
 ├ Opal's Blood    → Refugee Rescue (Opal)   OC: Parthar
 ├ Redthorn's Blood → Refugee Rescue (Redthorn) OC: Parthar
 ├ Saboteur's Blood → Acts of Sabotage       BK: Banesman Aalthene
 └ Scout's Blood   → Scouting the Commonlands BK: Thanuel Mergon
Blood of Oblivion
 ├ Blood of the Assassin   → 
 ├ Blood of the Deceived   → Countermanded Orders   BK: Andylis V`Shrei
 ├ Blood of the Disguised   → Destroy the Impostor    BK: Laarthik V`Shin
 ├ Blood of the Interrogator  → Truth and Consequences  BK: Andylis V`Shrei
 ├ Blood of the Supplied    → Take Everything       BK: Saleb
 ├ Blood of the Traitor     → Jarik #2: Power Play     BK: Jarik K`Ahndar
 └ Blood of the Vindicated  → Disruptive Influences    BK: Andylis V`Shrei
BK: Bloody Kithicor
 ***  *** >